You can use word counter for the given purpose. Be prepared to pay for quick results It's getting harder and harder to get a lot of organic traffic on social media. That is why many companies hoping to get results quickly have decided to use paid advertising in both social networks and search engines. There are many options and you have the option of Google.
Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) Facebook Ads Instagram Ads and Twitter Ads which are just some of the more popular ones. Do you want say an article to be targeted and easily found by people using Facebook Facebook Ads offers a "post extension" option mobile app development service where you can choose the target audience and the budget you want to allocate to the promotion as well as the duration.
However LinkedIn for its part has two different ways of promoting with content that appears in the news feed or on the left side of LinkedIn's LinkedIn page. Be sure to choose paid promotion only on channels with the highest chances of success for your business! Contact the right people Do you know about referral traffic In fact this is a great source of income for bloggers.