study, Capterra noted that nearly three-quarters ofemployees working remotely reported burnout in 2020 . To better understand howthe evolution of the pandemic has affected the stress level of employees atwork, we surveyed 1,100 Canadians (including 145 Quebecers) working in smalland medium-sized businesses (see the full methodology at the bottom of thisarticle) . Following on from our first article in this series exploringmanaging mental health at work , we will explore how the COVID-19 pandemic hasaffected the working lives and mental state of employees. How has the pandemicaffected the mental health of Quebec employees? on workplace stress levels, we asked Canadians who had not changedjobs since 2020
to describe their mental health before the pandemic, duringthe first year Bulgaria Mobile Number List of the pandemic, and then in February 2022. Generally speaking,the Quebec employees surveyed report a drop in their level of mental health(mental well-being qualified as “excellent” or “good”) from 73% to 54%, a dropof 19 points. since the start of the pandemic. The most significant impact onthe mental health of Quebec-based employees occurred during the first year ofthe pandemic. So-called positive mental health decreased by 25 points, from 73%to 48%. While there has indeed been a 6-point increase in so-called positivemental well-being since 2020, nearly one in five employees based in Quebec(i.e. 17%) indicate that their mental health is currently poor or very
bad. If we look at national statistics, employees seem to bedoing a little less well at the pan-Canadian level than in Quebec. 21% ofnational respondents report poor or very poor mental health. How has thepandemic affected the mental health of Quebec employees? Who are the employeesmost affected? The restrictions required by the COVID-19 pandemic have also hada notable impact on working conditions. While approximately 40% of Canadianemployees worked from home , remote work was not accessible for all sectors,which may have influenced employee well-being. Employees surveyed workingremotely or moving between locations were more likely to describe their mentalhealth positively. 56% of surveyed Canadian employees moving