These types of feature posts can get your employees, customers, and fans excited about your business. Plus, they’ll want to share their “celebrity” post with their network, which can help increase your reach. february marketing ideas february feature employee #FreshStartFebruary Another theme you can take advantage of in your February Instagram marketing is #FreshStartFebruary. This is especially applicable for businesses in the health and wellness industry.
february marketing ideas fresh start february As you can see, there is much more to February than Valentine’s Day (but we have plenty of Valentine’s Day marketing ideas here). Use the ideas above for creative and quality engagement Iceland Phone Number with your audience—the best way to market your business. And don’t forget about March! If you have events or promotions planned for Saint Patrick’s Day or other holidays, get your audience in the know.

Valentine’s Day Messages for Your Clients (with Email Templates!) Kristen McCormick Kristen McCormick Last Updated: January , | Email Marketing, Seasonal Marketing Home — Blog — Valentine’s Day Messages for Your Clients (with Email Templates!) You love your customers. You want to let them know. You may have even accidentally had a “love you bye” slip at some point. It’s common for businesses to send out customer greeting emails during the December holiday season,